Every student, every day.

I am Lettie Croskery, YOUR Career Practitioner!

403-915-0781      croskeryl@lrsd.ab.ca 

Please feel free to connect with me for help with career planning, searching for employment, applying for post-secondary schooling and financial assistance...essentially anything related to career services!

March 2025 NewsLettie - Career Services updates!





Dual Credit - what's that?

Dual credit means that you have the opportunity to earn grade 12 (30 level) high school credits AND post-secondary credits while completing a college/polytechnic/university course with FREE tuition while you are a high school student! LRSD will pay your tuition for courses completed with Lethbridge Polytechnic and Olds College.

Click on the DUAL CREDIT with LRSD link to learn more about this awesome opportunity for LRSD students in grades 10, 11 and 12.


Apprenticeship Trades

Alberta Industry Trades Information  - This is the home page for Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training and contains information about the process to become a Journey person in Alberta. You can start on this path in high school!

RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) - Learn more about this Alberta program to earn up to 40 high school credits while logging first year apprenticeship hours, gaining experience, and wages (with part time/summer work, mentored by a Journeyperson in that trade) while completing grades 10, 11 and 12.

Trade Entrance Requirements - Alberta Apprenticeship & Industry Training

Trades and Occupations list  - A comprehensive list of Alberta's Registered trades, complete with career profile information for each trade.

Trades specific scholarships - As a trades person, you are eligible for thousands of dollars in scholarships! Here is the link from the government website.

Career Sites we know and love!

Career sites - START your search here!

OCCINFO (Alberta Career Profiles) - Look up and learn about hundreds of occupations here

Career Transitions - Serving southern Alberta High Schools with numerous career events. 

Career Trek B.C. - This website from our neighbours to the west features great information and short videos about a variety of careers.

Cool Jobs - McLean's magazine profiles some very cool careers!

One Week Job - Learn about the true story of a UBC graduate and his search for a career! 

Subject Guides - Career Exploration - This site has some good general information about exploring careers in Canada!

Career sites for Outdoorsy types

AgCareers - Great site to learn more about numerous agricultural opportunities.

AWWOA - Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association has a careers section with profiles and videos about careers in the water/wastewater industry.

Goodwork.ca - Environmental jobs and green work - check out job postings for possible future opportunities!

Career sites in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

Chartered Professional Accountants Alberta- Check out this professional association website if you think you may be interested in Accounting!

Cybermentor.ca - This site connects girls in grades 6 -12 with career mentors in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math focused occupations.

Engineers Canada - Learn about the wide range of Engineering roles in Canada.

Career sites for Health Care types

Health Care Career Profiles  - These profiles, provided by AHS, portray the wide range of clinical and non-clinical healthcare careers.

Let's Go Rural - High School Events - The RhPAP (Rural Health Professions Action Plan) supports students in learning more about rural health care careers.

Lettie's list of COOL THINGS!

Have you ever thought about changing things up a bit? This list is full of opportunities for you to expand your learning to include volunteer programs, unique classroom experiences and international exchanges. Program costs range from FREE to upwards of $33,000.00 for specialized programs which offer scholarship subsidies.


Post Secondary Planning

There are so many ways to continue your education beyond high school! Below you will find links to College and University offerings across Canada. 

Ready to start applying? For all Alberta Institutions, you start with Apply Alberta. Your Career Practitioner is always available to help you with this process.

TIME to CHOOSE - this website allows you to search for Alberta programs based on location, program length or subject area!

Alberta Post-secondary institutions

British Columbia Post-secondary institutions

Manitoba Post-secondary institutions

Ontario Post-secondary institutions

Quebec and Atlantic provinces Post-secondary institutions

Saskatchewan Post-secondary institutions

Scholarships and Loan Information

There are tons of scholarships for Alberta students! This information is to help you become aware of some of the main scholarships available. Please take the time to review these and other sources of scholarships available to you through your part time work, your parent's connections and at the institution to which you are applying! Scholarships are generally awarded to students for their leadership and community involvement, athleticism, financial need and academic achievement...or a combination of factors! 

ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS - This list, lovingly procured and regularly updated by YOUR Career Practitioner is definitely worth a read!

Alexander RUTHERFORD Scholarship - Receive up to $2500 based on your average (which includes option courses!) in grades 10,11 and 12. Apply in August and receive your cheque in early October (generally) of your first post-secondary semester. 

Registered Education Savings Program (RESP). Taking advantage of the up to $7200.00 in government contributions is a great way to help a student save for post secondary education. 

Scholarships - Alberta Student Aid - Alberta's government offers scholarships and awards to encourage and reward the excellence of Albertans in post-secondary study.

Scholarships Canada  - You can create a profile and this website will match you with potential scholarships. It takes time to sort through the list, but it could pay off in big dollars!

Scholar Tree - Similar to Scholarships Canada; create a profile and review scholarship suggestions based on your personal information.

Student Aid Alberta  Lots of information on this site for Alberta students seeking scholarships and how to apply for Alberta student loan/grant funding.

Student Grant Estimator - Fill in this very quick calculator to determine how much you may receive in GRANTS (that's free money, not a loan!) from the Canadian government.


Job Searching and Volunteering

Looking for work? Want to build your resume and contribute to your community as a volunteer? You may benefit from a job search session with your Career Practitioner to update or create your resume, practice your interview skills and position yourself for job search success! In the meantime, check out these links:

Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce  Take a look at all our local businesses. Check out their websites, give them a call, or pop in and see if they are hiring.

Crowsnest Pass Volunteer Opportunities  Volunteers are often the heart of many organizations here in the Crowsnest Pass. Have a look and see if any of these opportunities are of interest to you. Volunteering is a great way to gain some experience and build your resume!   

Indeed.caJobs.caSimply Hired - Explore current job postings from our local area and across the country.

Looking for Work - ALIS website - This is a great resource as you embark on a job search! 

TECK Careers  Explore the different positions that make up the TECK Industry, everything from Geotechnical Engineer to Office Assistant.

Youth Employment Laws - Answers common questions about the rights and responsibilities of young people in the workforce





Career Services

March 2025