Communicating Student Absences and Lates

Keeping track of student attendance can be a challenge at the best of times; we're asking for parent/guardian assistance in communicating student lates/absences with the school.
**Our office phones are very busy in the morning - if possible, please consider communicating your absence or late via email**
To Report an Absence or Late by Email:
Email (the front office email) to report your student as absent or to be expected late - while not necessary, it is also appreciated if you are able to email your student's teachers as well.
If possible, please communicate your student's absence email prior to 8:40am on the day of the absence.
Please include the following information in the email:
- Your student's full name & grade level
- When your student will be absent or late
- The reason for the absence or late
- When your student is expected to return to school
To Report an Absence or Late by Phone:
Call 403-563-5651 to report your child absent or late.
Please include the following information in the phone call:
- Your student's full name & grade level
- When your student will be absent or late
- The reason for the absence or late
- When your student is expected to return to school